這是從 coding-interview-university Forked 後稍微修改樣式,使其能夠在網頁上直接瀏覽的版本,你可以到 Repo上幫忙修改樣式。也可以直接到原 Repository 上閱讀 Markdown 檔案

Coding Interview University

原先我為了成為一個軟體工程師而建立這份簡單的讀書主題清單(To-do list), 但這份 To-do list 隨著時間而膨脹成這個樣子。 做完這份 To-do list 上的每個目標後,我成為了 Amazon 的工程師! 你或許不需要像我讀一樣多。但是,每個讓你成為一位稱職工程師所需要的知識都在這裡了。

我每天讀 8~12 小時的書,這樣持續了好幾個月。這是我的故事:為什麼我為了 Google 面試而讀了 8 個月

在這份 To-do list 內的主題會讓你擁有足夠的知識去面對幾乎每家軟體公司的專業面試, 這些公司包含了科技巨獸,例如 Amazon、Facebook、Google,或者是 Microsoft。



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What is it?


Coding at the whiteboard - from HBO's Silicon Valley


請注意就算你有多年的軟體/網頁開發經驗,那些著名的大型軟體公司,像是 Google、Amazon、Facebook,或是 Microsoft 事實上把軟體/網頁開發(Software/Web Development)與軟體工程(Software Engineering)視為不同,而後者需要的是電腦科學/資訊工程的知識。

如果你想成為一個可靠的工程師或者是 Operation Engineer,閱讀並且學習更多這份清單中的 The Optional List(裡面包含網路與資訊安全的知識)。


---------------- 以下皆為選讀 ----------------


Why use it?

當我開始這項計畫的時候,我不知道 Stack 與 Heap 的差別,不知道時間複雜度(Big-O),不知道樹狀結構(Tree),也不知道如何遍歷一個圖(Graph)。過去如果我需要寫一個排序演算法(Sorting Algorithm),那個 code 一定是個災難。我過去都用程式語言中內建的資料結構(Data Structure),對於資料結構裡面的實作方法跟原理我完全沒有任何的概念。除非我的程式碰到了”out of memory”的錯誤我才會去找解決方法,否則我從不特別去花費心思管理程式中的記憶體配置。雖然我有用過多維陣列(Multidimensional Arrays)跟關聯陣列(Associative Arrays),但我從來沒有自己時做過資料結構。


How to use it


我用了 Github-flavored markdown 語法,其中包含了可以確定完成進度的任務清單。

建立一個新的 Branch 以使用 Github-flavored markdown 的勾選功能。只要在[]中打 x,像是: [x]


git clone git@github.com:<your_github_username>/coding-interview-university.git

git checkout -b progress

git remote add jwasham https://github.com/jwasham/coding-interview-university

git fetch --all


git add .

git commit -m "Marked x"

git rebase jwasham/main

git push --set-upstream origin progress

git push --force

更多有關 Github-flavored markdown

Don’t feel you aren’t smart enough(不要覺得自己不夠聰明)

About Video Resources(關於影片資源)

有些影片要註冊 Coursera 或者 Edx 的課程後才能觀看,也就是所謂的 MOOCs。有時候某些課程需要等待好幾個月才能註冊,這期間你無法觀看這些課程的影片。


Interview Process & General Interview Prep(面試過程&面試準備)

面試時專精一種程式語言(Pick One Language for the Interview)

在面試的 coding 階段,你可以選擇任何一個你擅長的程式語言。但多數大公司僅有以下選擇:


我之前寫過一篇關於在面試時選擇程式語言的文章:Pick One Language for the Coding Interview




因為我正在學習 C、C++以及 Python,所以下面會出現一些有關於這些程式語言的資源。

書單(Book List)


面試準備(Interview Prep)

如果你有額外的時間(If you have tons of extra time):





如果你讀過以下其中一本,你應該已經具備了所有解決 coding 問題所需要的資料結構與演算法的知識。除非你想要複習,否則你可以跳過這個計畫中所有的教學影片



我沒讀過這兩本書,但他們頗受好評。作者是 Sedgewick,他超讚的!

如果你有更好的 C++書籍,請告訴我。我正在蒐集全面性的資源。







1. 你沒辦法記住所有事情



Retaining Computer Science Knowledge.

有人推薦給我的課程(但我還沒看過:( ): Learning how to Learn

2. 使用小字卡

為了解決剛剛提到的遺忘問題,我自己寫了一個小字卡網站。網站上可以新增兩種小字卡,一般的以及程式碼。 每一種類的小字卡都有不同的格式。



我的小字卡資料庫中包含了組合語言、Python 的小知識、機器學習以及統計。這些內容已經超出了原本他的預設。


這裡有個替代我小字卡的網站Anki,很多人向我推薦過他。這個網站用同一個字卡重複出現的方式讓你牢牢地記住他。 這個網站非常容易使用,支援多平台,並且有雲端同步功能。在 iOS 平台上收費 25 美金,其他平台免費。

這是我用 Anki 這個網站裡的格式所儲存的小字卡資料庫: https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/25173560 (感謝 @xiewenya)

3. 學習資料結構與演算法的同時,也要做一些 Coding 面試中常出現的問題

把你學過的東西應用在解題上面,否則你很快就會忘了他們。這是一個過來人的經驗談。一旦你自認學會了一個主題,像是 Linked List 之類的,打開任何一本 Coding 面試問題書籍,做一些裡面有關 Linked List 的問題。接著繼續讀後面的主題。然後,再回頭反覆做有關 Linked List、遞迴或者其他任何東西(原文為 Recursion,非 Recursive)的題目。但切記一定在讀這些資料結構、演算法的同時,也要實際去寫一些有關這些東西的題目。公司錄取你是為了能有即戰力能夠上戰場,而非一個紙上談兵的人。這邊我覺得還不錯的書籍和網站。更多: Coding Question Practice

4. 複習,複習,再複習

我自己寫了一些有關於 ASCII Code、網路 OSI 模型、Big-O(時間複雜度)等等的小抄。我有空的時候就會把他們拿出來看一看複習一下。

打 Code 累了的話就休息半個小時,並且複習你的小字卡。

5. 專注







你不需要學會所有的程式語言,你只需要專精在某個程式語言 one language for the interview.

為什麼要這樣寫 Code?






演算法複雜度(Algorithmic complexity) / Big-O / 漸進分析(Asymptotic analysis)





這裡有15 種排序演算法的影片,如果你想對排序演算法有更多的了解,看看Additional Detail on Some Subjects裡的「排序」這個部分




如果你已經擁有了 4 年以上的程式經驗,那你可以來看看有關系統設計的問題







這裡有個很棒的入門教學,內容是如何在面試中有條不紊,並且有互動溝通地解決問題。這種能力可以從面試書籍中獲得,但我覺得這個也超讚的:Algorithm design canvas


my sofa whiteboard






Coding 面試題目影片:


解題 repository:


















You want to get hired in this century, right?


坐下來享受一下”Netflix 和技巧” :P





Coding Interview University

I originally created this as a short to-do list of study topics for becoming a software engineer, but it grew to the large list you see today. After going through this study plan, I got hired as a Software Development Engineer at Amazon! You probably won’t have to study as much as I did. Anyway, everything you need is here.

I studied about 8-12 hours a day, for several months. This is my story: Why I studied full-time for 8 months for a Google interview

Please Note: You won’t need to study as much as I did. I wasted a lot of time on things I didn’t need to know. More info about that below. I’ll help you get there without wasting your precious time.

The items listed here will prepare you well for a technical interview at just about any software company, including the giants: Amazon, Facebook, Google, and Microsoft.

Best of luck to you!

Translations in progress:

Become a sponsor and support Coding Interview University!

What is it?

Coding at the whiteboard - from HBO's Silicon Valley

This is my multi-month study plan for becoming a software engineer for a large company.


Note this is a study plan for software engineering, not frontend engineering or fullstack development. There are really super roadmaps and coursework for those career paths elsewhere (see https://roadmap.sh/ for more info).

There is a lot to learn in a university Computer Science program, but only knowing about 75% is good enough for an interview, so that’s what I cover here. For a complete CS self-taught program, the resources for my study plan have been included in Kamran Ahmed’s Computer Science Roadmap: https://roadmap.sh/computer-science

Table of Contents

The Study Plan

Topics of Study

Getting the Job

---------------- Everything below this point is optional ----------------

Optional Extra Topics & Resources

Why use it?

If you want to work as a software engineer for a large company, these are the things you have to know.

If you missed out on getting a degree in computer science, like I did, this will catch you up and save four years of your life.

When I started this project, I didn’t know a stack from a heap, didn’t know Big-O anything, or anything about trees, or how to traverse a graph. If I had to code a sorting algorithm, I can tell ya it would have been terrible. Every data structure I had ever used was built into the language, and I didn’t know how they worked under the hood at all. I never had to manage memory unless a process I was running would give an “out of memory” error, and then I’d have to find a workaround. I used a few multidimensional arrays in my life and thousands of associative arrays, but I never created data structures from scratch.

It’s a long plan. It may take you months. If you are familiar with a lot of this already it will take you a lot less time.

How to use it

Everything below is an outline, and you should tackle the items in order from top to bottom.

I’m using GitHub’s special markdown flavor, including tasks lists to track progress.

If you don’t want to use git

On this page, click the Code button near the top, then click “Download ZIP”. Unzip the file and you can work with the text files.

If you’re open in a code editor that understands markdown, you’ll see everything formatted nicely.

How to download the repo as a zip file

If you’re comfortable with git

Create a new branch so you can check items like this, just put an x in the brackets: [x]

  1. Fork the GitHub repo: https://github.com/jwasham/coding-interview-university by clicking on the Fork button.

    Fork the GitHub repo

  2. Clone to your local repo:

    git clone https://github.com/<YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME>/coding-interview-university.git
    cd coding-interview-university
    git remote add upstream https://github.com/jwasham/coding-interview-university.git
    git remote set-url --push upstream DISABLE  # so that you don't push your personal progress back to the original repo
  3. Mark all boxes with X after you completed your changes:

    git commit -am "Marked personal progress"
    git pull upstream main  # keep your fork up-to-date with changes from the original repo
    git push # just pushes to your fork

Don’t feel you aren’t smart enough

A Note About Video Resources

Some videos are available only by enrolling in a Coursera or EdX class. These are called MOOCs. Sometimes the classes are not in session so you have to wait a couple of months, so you have no access.

It would be great to replace the online course resources with free and always-available public sources, such as YouTube videos (preferably university lectures), so that you people can study these anytime, not just when a specific online course is in session.

Choose a Programming Language

You’ll need to choose a programming language for the coding interviews you do, but you’ll also need to find a language that you can use to study computer science concepts.

Preferably the language would be the same, so that you only need to be proficient in one.

For this Study Plan

When I did the study plan, I used 2 languages for most of it: C and Python

This is my preference. You do what you like, of course.

You may not need it, but here are some sites for learning a new language:

For your Coding Interview

You can use a language you are comfortable in to do the coding part of the interview, but for large companies, these are solid choices:

You could also use these, but read around first. There may be caveats:

Here is an article I wrote about choosing a language for the interview: Pick One Language for the Coding Interview. This is the original article my post was based on: Choosing a Programming Language for Interviews

You need to be very comfortable in the language and be knowledgeable.

Read more about choices:

See language-specific resources here

Books for Data Structures and Algorithms

This book will form your foundation for computer science.

Just choose one, in a language that you will be comfortable with. You’ll be doing a lot of reading and coding.




Your choice:


Your choice:

Interview Prep Books

You don’t need to buy a bunch of these. Honestly “Cracking the Coding Interview” is probably enough, but I bought more to give myself more practice. But I always do too much.

I bought both of these. They gave me plenty of practice.

If you have tons of extra time:

Choose one:

Don’t Make My Mistakes

This list grew over many months, and yes, it got out of hand.

Here are some mistakes I made so you’ll have a better experience. And you’ll save months of time.

1. You Won’t Remember it All

I watched hours of videos and took copious notes, and months later there was much I didn’t remember. I spent 3 days going through my notes and making flashcards, so I could review. I didn’t need all of that knowledge.

Please, read so you won’t make my mistakes:

Retaining Computer Science Knowledge.

2. Use Flashcards

To solve the problem, I made a little flashcards site where I could add flashcards of 2 types: general and code. Each card has different formatting. I made a mobile-first website, so I could review on my phone or tablet, wherever I am.

Make your own for free:

I DON’T RECOMMEND using my flashcards. There are too many and most of them are trivia that you don’t need.

But if you don’t want to listen to me, here you go:

Keep in mind I went overboard and have cards covering everything from assembly language and Python trivia to machine learning and statistics. It’s way too much for what’s required.

Note on flashcards: The first time you recognize you know the answer, don’t mark it as known. You have to see the same card and answer it several times correctly before you really know it. Repetition will put that knowledge deeper in your brain.

An alternative to using my flashcard site is Anki, which has been recommended to me numerous times. It uses a repetition system to help you remember. It’s user-friendly, available on all platforms and has a cloud sync system. It costs $25 on iOS but is free on other platforms.

My flashcard database in Anki format: https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/25173560 (thanks @xiewenya).

Some students have mentioned formatting issues with white space that can be fixed by doing the following: open deck, edit card, click cards, select the “styling” radio button, add the member “white-space: pre;” to the card class.

3. Do Coding Interview Questions While You’re Learning


Start doing coding interview questions while you’re learning data structures and algorithms.

You need to apply what you’re learning to solving problems, or you’ll forget. I made this mistake.

Once you’ve learned a topic, and feel somewhat comfortable with it, for example, linked lists:

  1. Open one of the coding interview books (or coding problem websites, listed below)
  2. Do 2 or 3 questions regarding linked lists.
  3. Move on to the next learning topic.
  4. Later, go back and do another 2 or 3 linked list problems.
  5. Do this with each new topic you learn.

Keep doing problems while you’re learning all this stuff, not after.

You’re not being hired for knowledge, but how you apply the knowledge.

There are many resources for this, listed below. Keep going.

4. Focus

There are a lot of distractions that can take up valuable time. Focus and concentration are hard. Turn on some music without lyrics and you’ll be able to focus pretty well.

What you won’t see covered

These are prevalent technologies but not part of this study plan:

The Daily Plan

This course goes over a lot of subjects. Each will probably take you a few days, or maybe even a week or more. It depends on your schedule.

Each day, take the next subject in the list, watch some videos about that subject, and then write an implementation of that data structure or algorithm in the language you chose for this course.

You can see my code here:

You don’t need to memorize every algorithm. You just need to be able to understand it enough to be able to write your own implementation.

Coding Question Practice

Why is this here? I'm not ready to interview.

Then go back and read this.

Why you need to practice doing programming problems:

There is a great intro for methodical, communicative problem solving in an interview. You’ll get this from the programming interview books, too, but I found this outstanding: Algorithm design canvas

Write code on a whiteboard or paper, not a computer. Test with some sample inputs. Then type it and test it out on a computer.

If you don’t have a whiteboard at home, pick up a large drawing pad from an art store. You can sit on the couch and practice. This is my “sofa whiteboard”. I added the pen in the photo just for scale. If you use a pen, you’ll wish you could erase. Gets messy quick. I use a pencil and eraser.

my sofa whiteboard

Coding question practice is not about memorizing answers to programming problems.

Coding Problems

Don’t forget your key coding interview books here.

Solving Problems:

Coding Interview Question Videos:

Challenge/Practice sites:

Let’s Get Started

Alright, enough talk, let’s learn!

But don’t forget to do coding problems from above while you learn!

Algorithmic complexity / Big-O / Asymptotic analysis

Well, that’s about enough of that.

When you go through “Cracking the Coding Interview”, there is a chapter on this, and at the end there is a quiz to see if you can identify the runtime complexity of different algorithms. It’s a super review and test.

Data Structures

More Knowledge



As a summary, here is a visual representation of 15 sorting algorithms. If you need more detail on this subject, see “Sorting” section in Additional Detail on Some Subjects


Graphs can be used to represent many problems in computer science, so this section is long, like trees and sorting were.

Even More Knowledge

Final Review

This section will have shorter videos that you can watch pretty quickly to review most of the important concepts.
It's nice if you want a refresher often.

Update Your Resume

Interview Process & General Interview Prep

Mock Interviews:

Be thinking of for when the interview comes

Think of about 20 interview questions you’ll get, along with the lines of the items below. Have at least one answer for each. Have a story, not just data, about something you accomplished.

Have questions for the interviewer

Some of mine (I already may know the answers, but want their opinion or team perspective):

Once You’ve Got The Job


Keep learning.

You’re never really done.


Everything below this point is optional. It is NOT needed for an entry-level interview.
However, by studying these, you'll get greater exposure to more CS concepts, and will be better prepared for
any software engineering job. You'll be a much more well-rounded software engineer.


Additional Books

These are here so you can dive into a topic you find interesting.

System Design, Scalability, Data Handling

You can expect system design questions if you have 4+ years of experience.

Additional Learning

I added them to help you become a well-rounded software engineer, and to be aware of certain
technologies and algorithms, so you'll have a bigger toolbox.

Additional Detail on Some Subjects

I added these to reinforce some ideas already presented above, but didn't want to include them
above because it's just too much. It's easy to overdo it on a subject.
You want to get hired in this century, right?

Video Series

Sit back and enjoy.

Computer Science Courses

Algorithms implementation


